
Clubs in Romania

The best clubs in Europe

Bucharest Nightlife

The nightlife in bucharest. the most luxury and fancy in all Europe

must to come and see this in your eyes

you can make reservation with us and tables without any payment to us

put attention that there is minimum price per table and u must to to come until 23:30 for reservations call us to 0721025197 for romanian number or whatsapp +972507886707

our clubs

Boa club

Boa club. CLOSED

Princess club

Princess club. CLOSED

Kayo club

Kayo club. the popular club. known as the best club in bucharest. open friday and saturday. minuimum 1200 lei per regular table and 2500 lei per vip table, free entrance

Face bucharest

Face club. the fancy club of romania. very luxury and amazing club. open friday and saturday. oackage for table is 2500 lei (include food. bottle of vodka belvedere 1.75L and 10 energy drinks) and entre fee of 50-100 lei per person. dress code elegant

Make reservation with us

It's very simple and easy to make reservations and tables with us to the big clubs

u must to remember that we dont take payment for the res but u have minimum order per table

for quick res for tables until two hours before the event u can call us to 0721025197 for romanian number or whatsapp +972507886707 with full name and number of people


for contact and reserve table send us your details and we will call u soon. 0721025197 for romanian number or whatsapp +972507886707