

On this page you can find important details about your trip in Romania such as Tips, General information, transportation, weather, services and more.

Ok so you decided to do trip in Romania with *trip Romania* here is some information that will help you during your trip in Romania.

Telephone code: 0040 (+40)

Website:  ro

Currency:  1 euro= around 4.4 lei.   1 usd= around 3.9 lei.  Try to not change money at the airport. Better on the streets or malls. U can save money like this.


Summer:  the weather in Bucharest is really hot…can be days of 40 degrees.  At the mountains is around 30 degrees.

Autumn spring: can be hot can cold. Better to see the weather online before to arrive

Winter: in Bucharest is really cold on the winter time. Can be days of minus  15 degrees  also. And also days of snow. At the mountains a lot a lot of snow and cold all the time and minus 20 degrees so get dressed J

Transportation: Bucharest and Romania generally offers really good ways of transportation such us: metro, cabs. Tram, train, bus. Ticket for metro or bus will cost u around 2.5 lei and u can go almost to all Bucharest.

About  cabs: the best its to go with cabs of 1.39 lei per km.  ask from the reception to order you cab. When u are at the airport go the automatic machine from the left and right of the exit and press  1.39…u get ticket with a number of cab and thats it.

Clubs and restuaresnts: Bucharest offers the best night life in Europe.  For reservations to all the clubs in Bucharest you can contact us

Sim cards:  you can contact us  for local sim card. 10 gb internet, free calls inside Romania, whatsapp stay on your number and we come to your hotel as a service.

Limousine: one hour trip with luxury limousine inside  Bucharest. 2 bottles of camphene and soft drinks. U can contact us for this.

For everything in Romania and for more information u can contact us.

Enjoy your trip in Romania with trip Romania agency.



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